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Teeth Whitening

Teeth WhiteningTooth whitening is one of our most popular procedures as requested by patients. It is the number one cosmetic procedure performed in America today. Available as an at-home or an in-office procedure (Venus), our custom teeth whitening procedures are a quick, simple way to revitalize your smile.

  1. Take-Home Whitening-complimentary for new patients who have a new patient examination, x-rays and cleaning at our office. 10-14 days for a beautiful new white smile. 
  2. Our Toronto In-Office Whitening-very popular among our busiest patients, comes with take-home tray for quick results. 
  3. Extreme Whitening-best results whitening-begins with 2 weeks of take-home whitening followed by an in office power whitening session.

Contact Us Today to Schedule your Consultation!

Call 416-226-2000 or click here.

Teeth Whitening

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