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Invisalign Invisible Braces in Toronto

One Team. One Cost. One Location. See Our Successes Below!

Your Invisalign treatment will consist of a series of virtually invisible, removable aligners that you switch out about every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured with exact calculations to gradually shift your teeth into place. And since your Invisalign system is custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised by you and our dentist, you’ll end up with a smile that truly fits. You can take them out for daily necessities like eating, drinking, brushing and flossing. Comfortable, convenient and complimentary to your smile, Invisalign® is the preferred method of teeth alignment for many of our patients. At the completion of your Invisalign® treatment, our Toronto office provides complimentary teeth whitening to brighten your beautiful new smile!

Contact Us Today to Schedule your Screening!

Call 416-226-2000 or click here.

Why get Invisalign Invisible braces in Toronto
Invisalign Treatment Overview

Why get Invisalign Invisible braces in Toronto?

Straightening teeth through conventional braces is a real issue. You have to keep them in for a full year or longer sometimes. Conventional braces are big and annoying. Noodles and other foods get stuck in them, but what’s worse is that you got them to improve your life.

Fortunately, Studio B Dental has a solution for all these problems while still fixing your teeth! Invisalign braces work just as well, if not better than traditional braces. Not only can they not be seen, but you can remove them when you eat! No need to worry about choking on noodles.

Contact Us Today to Schedule your Screening!

Call 416-226-2000 or click here.

Invisalign Treatment Overview

Step One – Consultation with Studio B Dental

Step Two – Digital Records Appointment and Review with Dr. B

Digital Records Appointment and Review with Dr. B
Digital Records Appointment and Review with Dr. B

Step Three – Delivery Of Your Custom Invisalign Aligners

Step Four – Constant Wear of Your Invisalign Aligners

Stage Five – Celebrate Your New Smile and Receive Retainers

New patient complimentary consultation includes:

Invisalign Before and After

We’ve gone through the basic overview of the treatment you’ll undertake. Now let’s take a look at the effects and results of the treatment. Check out these before and after images of one of our past successes:

As you can see, the teeth were yellowish and misaligned before we did anything. The plaque build-up on the teeth was getting quite bad and needed immediate attention.

Once we clean up the teeth, we use our Invisalign treatment to straighten them out. You can see a huge difference from before the treatment and after. The Invisalign treatment allowed him to eat in peace, smile with confidence, and still get his teeth straightened out just as quickly as traditional braces would!

If that’s not impressive enough already, take a look at the following before and after treatment pictures below:

Invisalign Before and After

At the end of the treatment, your teeth will still want to return to their original position. To prevent this, we take another mold of your teeth and build a retainer for you. The retainer will help keep your teeth in place over the next few years. You may need to wear it for a very long time, but you can just wear it at night after the first year or two.

We will also clean and whiten your teeth again. Now that they’re all lined up, we can easily whiten the entirety of each tooth. Now, your smile will blind your friends for a very different reason!

Invisalign Cost Toronto

Overall, Invisalign braces cost about as much as traditional, metal braces. Invisalign braces are made of lighter material but they do need to be replaced every couple of weeks. The cost of materials and time does sit around the same, too.

So, you don’t just get the advantage of removable, basically invisible braces. You also get it for the same price as regular ones!

There’s no specific pricing for your Invisalign braces as each patient needs a different prescription. Upon consultation, the dentist will give you an overview of your specific needs. After this, you’ll know the cost of your Invisalign treatment plan and you can plan accordingly.

If your teeth are mostly aligned, then your treatment will likely cost less. The worse your condition, the more it will cost. This way, everyone gets exactly what they pay for!

Invisalign Reviews

Still not convinced that Invisalign Toronto is for you? Not to worry! We’ve taken the time to put together a group of reviews from various clients. Each of these people went through our Invisalign treatment and came out of it with bright, straight teeth. Take a look:

It is our hope that you’ll see how happy this treatment has made all of these people. Your teeth hold more worth than you might expect. Your teeth deserve to be clean and straight just as you deserve to hold your head up high and smile with pride. Treat yourself to Invisalign treatment today!

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