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In The Media


You Deserve a Beautiful Smile


How can I make my smile brighter?

Pristine grins aren’t just for the Hollywood elite. Follow our expert advice and get ready to flash those pretty whites.

Revive Fall 2008

A Unique Smile.
It creates a lasting first impres- sion, is crucial in how you communi- cate with the people you interact with and is central to how you look and feel.


Elevate Magazine - Anti-aging enhancement wellness

How a daily coffee and chewing on your pen can add years to your age.
Elevate Magazine - Anti-aging enhancement wellness

Revive Spring 2009

Dental Implants
Dr. Charles Botbol is a highly sought after Toronto dentist who has trained with some of the world’s most prominent cosmetic and reconstructive dental specialists.

Revive Summer

Revive Summer 2009

When you smile, does your grin appear too “gummy”? Many people complain of smiles that look less than attractive because they show too much gum tissue…

Revive Fall 2009

Tips to Maintain Oral Health During Pregnancy
The “old wives” tale of “a tooth for every preg- nancy” was based on misconceptions that dental health problems during pregnancy were to be expected and not preve

Revive Winter 2009

Dental Health 101
There are 4 main disease processes that are treated in dentistry. These categories also represent the top four ways in which we lose teeth as adults.

More Magazine

More Magazine

Middle-aged teeth and stress. The link between your teeth and stress is more damaging that you think.

More Magazine cover

Metro Calgary August 25, 2009

5 steps to rejuvenate your smile
Metro Calgary August 25, 2009

Metro Edmonton August 25, 2009

Chronic bad breath, which is caused by poor oral hygene, can make you seem older.
Metro Calgary August 25, 2009

Metro Ottawa August 25, 2009

Chronic bad breath, which is caused by poor oral hygene, can make you seem older.
Metro Calgary August 25, 2009

Metro Toronto August 25 2009

Chronic bad breath, which is caused by poor oral hygene, can make you seem older.
Metro Calgary August 25, 2009

TACD - Spring 2010 The TACD Welcomes Dr. Charles Botbol

Dr. Charles Botbol has been creating both beautiful and healthy smiles for his patients since 1996. He has trained at some of the world’s most prestigious continuing education centers for dentistry

TACD - Spring 2010 The TACD Welcomes Dr. Charles Botbol
Revive Summer

Revive Spring 2010

Dr. Charles Botbol has been creating both beautiful and healthy smiles for his patients since 1996. He has trained at some of the world’s most prestigious continuing education centers for dentistry

Revive Spring 2010

TACD - Fall 2010

Over the past 14 years it has been my privilege to practice General and Cosmetic dentistry in the GTA. With every year that passes and every new course I take, I am exposed to the wonderful new techniques and dental products that en- able our professio
TACD - Fall 2010

Post Magazine

Dr. Botbol featured in Post Magazine.
Post Magazine

The Pankey Institute

Each Pankey Institute trained dentist is one of a small, distin- guished percentage of dentists who have invested in postgraduate training…
The Pankey Institute

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