One of the most exciting times used to be when the new phone books arrived. People and businesses would search the new phone book looking for their name and would feel very important when they found it.
Business depended on their listing in the Yellow Pages to attract new customers. In the old Yellow pages, the business controlled what was said. They created the content that others would read. They are not likely to put something negative in the ad that appeared in the Yellow Pages.
In today’s world, the excitement of the new phone book has gone away. Most people turn to online resources to find businesses that used to advertise in the phone book. While the traditional Yellow Pages may have diminished in importance, the online version of the yellow pages has more than made up for it. People are familiar with the Yellow Pages and are going to trust the information they find on the Yellow pages Website.
The online version of the Yellow Pages is not the same as the old printed version. It still is a great way to find business and to learn how to contact them, but it also provides other opportunities. The online Yellow Pages allows not only the business to post information, it also allows people to post reviews about the business on the site. That information can be used by potential customers to help them make decisions about whether and how they use a business.
The Yellow Pages reviews takes some of the power away from the business and gives it to the people that write the reviews. A business needs to manage the reviews that are written. They need to monitor the Yellow Pages for any reviews. While they should watch for all reviews, the management of the negative reviews may be the most important thing to do. When dealing with negative reviews, timing is the best weapon a business has. The faster they can respond to a negative review, the easier it is to turn it around.
Using our service to monitor the reviews is the best chance for a company to work in a timely fashion. We have the ability and the resources to monitor the reviews for the Yellow Pages and other places where reviews can be posted. We can spot the reviews and give the business the opportunity to respond quickly. We will monitor the reviews and will help a business respond. We will not flood the Yellow Pages with reviews we have written for a business. Many people can spot these phony reviews and they can end up having a negative effect on the business.
The Yellow Pages have changed, but they are still as important as ever. It is up to businesses to change the way they approach the Yellow Pages. They may not control the content of the reviews that are posted on the Yellow Pages, but they can control the response they are able to generate. They can turn the reviews into another positive aspect of the business if they get the right help.