You’ve heard of HTML, the language used to code websites, but did you know that there have been several versions of HTML since its inception: Different web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera all read the code, interpret it, and produce your web page accordingly. Most read all versions of HTML, but every time a new version comes out, they have to upgrade. As of 2014, HTML5 is the latest version.
So what do you get with HTML5 anyway? It includes everything about how your website is presented and how the various features of web browsers, including drop down boxes, forms, slideshows, music, and videos, function. It also tells the web browser how to activate by code written in various languages other than HTML, such as CSS and Javascript. Usually, the HTML code calls one of these other languages to perform the functions needed.
With HTML5 this coding issue has been solved as it incorporates both CSS, which details the presentation of your site and the filling out of forms, and Javascript, which does things like display dropdown boxes or embed sound on your site.
With HTML5, just one language can make your website do nearly anything you want it to do without the need for additional extensions or plugins. It isn’t proprietary code, either, so you don’t have to worry about royalties. It’s also a cross-platform solution. It will work with web browsers, tablets, notebooks, netbooks, and even Smart TVs. It can also write web applications that can work offline, accept geo-locations, and handle high definition video.
Which web browsers can handle this new language? That depends on the browser. The current version of Chrome supports the most features of HTML5. The current version of Opera comes in second, while Firefox’s current version is third. Safari is not far behind Firefox, but the current version of Internet Explorer lags far behind them all. Even the upcoming version of IE only scores slightly better.
For tablets, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari score the best. Apple’s iOS and Blackberry are not far behind, but again, Internet Explorer scores dismally.
For mobile devices, Blackberry tops the list with Chrome a very close second and Opera only four points behind. Firefox is a close fourth followed by Android with the Windows phone, which is 119 points behind Blackberry.
Browsers are constantly being updated, and it’s only a question of time before your browser will measure up. The question is will the features you need be supported before you need them? Only time will tell.