Everyone seems to be on at least one social media website these days. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, or the more professional LinkedIn, people are using social media sites like never before. In their early stages, these sites were only for people to use to communicate with each other and share photos and videos. Now, however, businesses can great profiles on these pages and pay for advertising. Paid social advertising has become one of the most powerful ways a business can get its name out there and inform the public about new products and services.
Paid social advertising is how a business takes its social media marketing to the next level. In the beginning, most social media marketing is done by creating a free profile on a site like Facebook or Twitter, gaining followers in whatever way possible, and then posting content to these followers. However, it can be difficult to gain followers, especially those who aren’t already customers. That’s where paid social advertising comes in.
Most social sites offer some form of paid promotion. Facebook, for example, gives businesses the change to pay to promote a post. This means the post appears in the news feeds of those who don’t necessarily already follow the business’s updates. Another option is to promote the page itself, which also puts it out there for those Facebook users who may be interested in the products or services the business offers. The good news is that these promotions aren’t always very expensive if ran for a short period of time, but they’re really only effective if multiple posts are promoted and the page as a whole is advertised regularly.
That’s the big question, and that’s what many small businesses ask themselves before spending money. The answer appears to be yes. Many businesses have reported seeing huge increases in the number of people who like their page. The price is often quite affordable, too, and businesses can set limits on how much money is spent promoting their page or post. For around $100, it’s possible to get a post seen by more than 25,000 people. While not every one of those people will like the business’s page, a good number of them probably will. This is especially true if the content that’s being promoted is engaging, funny, or has a call to action that many potential customers are likely to heed.